We went on a Sketch Adventure for drawing class. I was supposed to be drawing the buildings, but I also drew some people

Fun with brush pens

Drawing people in the dining hall

Sort of a design doodle with colored pencils. I don't usually do this kind of thing, it was interesting.

More fun with brush pens

Writing class sketches, and a tiny Fionna and Cake there

These are characters for a comics thing I am considering (Daisy Snarlbear comics). The girl on the left is the hero of the story, she fights monsters. The two other guys are Flint the monochrome fairy/elf and an as of yet unnamed unicorn noble (posing as a human for the moment)

Stuff for drawing class. I found that bat on the windowsill and drew a picture of it

Trying out the brushpen

Writing class doodles

Foot studies

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